About Us

Hi and welcome everyone,

Here at The Nature Shack, we are on an adventure and would love for you to join us.

Based in Melbourne, Australia, our vision is to help look after our beautiful planet, for us and our future generations.

If we all make a little difference, together we can make a big difference.

And it really isn’t that difficult to do, just a few adjustments in how we do things.

Thinking about what we do and what we purchase.

Is it reusable, recyclable, or can it be repurposed?

So many products have got an overload of toxins that is not good for us or the environment.

The majority comes in plastic, that will end up in our creeks, lakes and oceans, polluting our water systems that we and all other animals and creatures need to live.

Let’s change this, come on our journey of wonder, curiosity and love for our beautiful planet.


Let’s make a difference - together!